The school wishes to impart a quality education by looking at the ways to enhance the factors that effect the attentiveness of the children and one of the most important factors in this regard is the comfort in sitting in the class The provision of air conditioners in the classrooms is then will definitely make the environment conducive for learning and will produce the desired results with more flexibility.
Over the last few decades, everything has changed in our lives with the all pervasive intervention of technology. However, classrooms haven't remained untouched by technology.
Hence the school felt the need to supplement the class room teaching with some extra technological aids Thus The Smart Classroom is available for teachers and students providing tools and content for interactive self-paced learning by students, as well as rich-media presentations for teacher-led classroom learning.
The availability of computers for each & every learner will make them more active thinkers and help in executing the skills. The teacher here is no longer the centre of attraction, as the one who dispenses the information, but plays the role of facilitator, setting project goals and providing guidelines and resources. In this regard, the school feels proud to inform that the Smart Class facility has been increased two times and computer laboratory is well equipped with new Hi-tech computers with latest configuration , all TFT's , another step to instill the passion for learning.
“The Surrounding That Enlightens The Soul Is More Precious Than Jewels
To imbibe among students love and care for environment, the school provides green infrastructure to the students where it has all necessary facilities like vermin-compost pit, recycle machine, rain water harvester, organic farming and school nursery that can help teach students to think, live, stay and work for green future.