To support our students with special needs, we have an inclusive setup in school. We also have an Early Intervention as well as a Child Development centre in school wherein we provide stimulation to our students right from the pre-school level uptill class XII. We render these services through an occupational therapist and a special educator who assist these students in their day to day functioning as well as their academics.
Gone are the days when going to a Psychologist was a taboo. The need of the hour is early screening, early identification and then providing the child with early stimulation. Parental awareness is also generated. They are also counseled and motivated to come out of their denial phase and let the actual work be done with the child.
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours”
Counseling is an integral part of an overall program of guidance. The student life is getting complex day by day. Guidance and counseling is needed to help the students for optimum achievement and adequate adjustment in the varied life situations. It aids students in enhancing their personality development, thereby aiming at their wholistic development.
Regular workshops are conducted for parents, students as well as the teachers on the various issues of concern and they are encouraged to come up with their individual problems.
Modules according to the different age groups are shown to the students on the various topics, followed by brainstorming and detailed discussions.
Group therapy as well as individual therapy sessions are being provided to the students as per their requirements.
Classroom observations are made as well as regular interaction with the teachers and parents is done so as to streamline the process of guidance and counseling and increase its efficacy.
Career guidance and counseling
Choosing your career is a crucial step as it involves your entire future career prospects. Often, it is observed that a large number of students are unaware of what they want to be. This confusion amounts to aimlessness and can be compared to a situation like boarding a train without knowing one's destination. Undoubtedly it may result in waste of your precious time, efforts as well as money, resulting in repentance, disappointment and frustration.
Students are guided about the various career options available to them as they step into class X through class XII.
They are encouraged to do a self assessment in the areas of Personality, Aptitude, Interest and Values so as to which would be the right career choice for them individually. Aptitude tests are also carried out in school and interpreted to guide them well.
This underscores the need for exploring the various career options available and their suitability with reference to your career dreams, qualifications, interests, strengths and weaknesses, career growth potential in career option. It is important because setting an attainable goal would prove incoherent. Its time to say good bye to all the confusions, tensions and apprehensions about your future. We are here to guide you in this not-so easy task of choosing a career.
School education is incomplete if it does not prepare students for the job market. In fact, the education being provided in school should complement the skills required in various professions.
It is this vision that has inspired us to take this project further where students will be guided the whole year round and needful assistance will be provided to them so that the transition from school to the outside world becomes smooth and exciting.
The School's Career Guidance Centre is being run by an efficient team | |
Mr. Alok Bansal | Education & Career Couselling Expert |
Ms. Shivani Chaudhary | School Counsellor |
Ms. Poonam Chopra | PGT Computer Science |
Ms. Nikita lal | PGT Psychology |
Ms. Hardeep Kaur | Librarian |