All the world at rest Thou shall pass the fitness test Lift your feet, lift your arm Healthy body is pristine charm.
With utmost zeal and fervor, the school shares that it is observing Fit India School Week celebration. It is organized in order to permeate virtually the spark and cognizance of being fit even in the times of pandemic. This seven -day program aims not only to embrace the students but is also for its stakeholders and the management & staff to make them fit as a fiddle. Assorted activities like free hand exercise, hopscotch, shuttle, chess, Rubik’s cube are to be undertaken. Besides, debate and quiz competitions are also planned in order to make all au courant with fitness. After all, healthy mind resides in a healthy body.

Mount Abu Public School celebrated Fit India Week from 19th to 24th Oct.2020
Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood. Mount Abu Public School celebrated Fit India Week from 19th to 24th Oct.2020. Student from different classes performed various activities with great excitement and enthusiasm. Activities like Balloon Volleyball, Yoga Exercises, Jumping Jacks, Push –Up etc. were conducted keeping in mind the development of health and fitness of students. The Event was a great success as it involved huge participation from all the classes.

Mount Abu School observed the last day of Fit India Week on 11 December 2019. The students from classes 1 to 11 participated in indigenous games which included tug of war, archery, hoopla game, fire in the mountain and many more. Students enjoyed their sweat time playing these games. The day imbibed a lot of fun and frolic marking the last day to the special week.

Continuing with the 'FIT INDIA WEEK CELEBRATION' the students of class VIII took part in SKIPPING ROPE GAME, a very versatile and convenient tool to achieve fitness goals. They also participated in Free Hand Exercise which forms one of the pillars for a good health.

Under the “FIT INDIA FIT SCHOOL” week celebration, Mount Abu School conducted a Poster Making Competition on 10th December 2019 on “Fit Body, Fit Mind and Fit Environment”. The Students from classes VI to VIII, unleashed their artistic and creative skills to showcase their idea of fitness and healthy lifestyle. Depicting ideas from healthy food, avoiding junk food, healthy eating, rising early, doing yoga and regular exercise, the students presented their posters with full enthusiasm and zeal.

The school organized Sports Quiz on 9th December for the students of class XI as part of the Fit India School Week from 5th-11th December. The quiz tested the knowledge regarding various sportspersons, rules of different sports, awards related to various sports etc. of the students. The overall experience was enlightening for the students as they enhanced their awareness of Indian Sports.

To enjoy the glow of good health, one must exercise...
Keeping this in mind students of classes I to III participated in TAEKWONDO SESSION on 9.12.19.This session was the part of Fit India Movement through which students imbibed different self defense moves. They also inculcated the quality of self-confidence. Students enjoyed and participated in the session with great enthusiasm and learnt various ways to safeguard themselves.

Continuing with the celebration of "Fit India,Fit School Week",the school organised various fun games for the parents on 7th December 2019.The celebration commenced with the Brain Gym activities followed by the yoga session for parents.The parents also participated in fun games such as -Musical Chair,Fire in the Mountain,Balancing the Ball,Action Game,Tug of war and Pithoo .The games not only allowed them to have fun but also motivated them to perform physical activities regularly to promote healthy lifestyle and a healthier future.The parents had a gala time and decided to make fitness an integral part of their and their ward's daily routine.

Under “Fit India Week”, the second day was fun filled, exciting and engaging. The day began with an enthusiastic Zumba Practice for classes I – XII. Later the students of classes VI and VII had a sapling plantation activity where in the students carried ceramic pots, pebbles and saplings. As a cherished memoir of the day, the students carried the potted saplings back home. The students of classes III & IV participated in the activities like animal walk and hurdle race. They enacted the gait of different animals on their respective sounds. The balancing race was enjoyed by the students of class V. They first marched ahead and then reached the finishing line by balancing the object on their head. Cycling marathon was also organized where in cycles of different hues were seen racing slowly. The students of classes IX to XI enthusiastically participated with posters and placards disseminating the message of sustained physical exercise for prevention of diseases.

'To carry forward the spirit of “Fit India” the vision of Honorable Prime Minister and disseminate the message of being fit through “FIT INDIA WEEK” programme, an initiative taken up by the Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE, Mount Abu School will celebrate the Fit India Week commencing from 5th December 2019 to 11 December 2019 wherein a plethora of activities will be carried out to create mass awareness on the fitness issue with the prime objective of the program to indulge school children in active field time than passive screen time. All the activities planned for the children to perform during the week long celebration are focused around the concept of staying fit through sports and fun filled activities. The celebration on the first day of the week commenced with performance of some common physical exercises like Aerobics by the students from class Pre School to XII and teachers followed by different activities at different levels.